VCS is a non-profit educational organization consisting of nearly 1,400 specialists in medical oncology, surgical oncology, radiation oncology, as well as internists, pathologists, and general practitioners from around the world. Professionals, students, residents, interns and technicians all form the membership of the Veterinary Cancer Society today. The focus of our organization is to encourage research and collaboration among our members. Each fall, the Veterinary Cancer Society holds an Annual Conference, one of the largest veterinary oncology meetings in the world. In addition to this conference, we also coordinate a Mid-Year conference every other year, and collaborate with other veterinary oncology associations around the world to coordinate a World Congress every four years in cities across the world. These conferences bring together the brightest veterinary oncology specialists who often participate in research as well as treat animals in their private or academic practice every day. Our members share new information obtained through research in the ongoing fight against cancer. Typically, new collaborations for research are formed among members during our breaks and in our specialist meetings, and from those collaborations come some outstanding research projects and cutting-edge treatment options can be generated.
Veterinary Cancer Society
PO Box 30855
Columbia, MO 65205